What is Pd Token, What is it's use and what is it future ?

PD TOKEN is a digital token money for phpdefend.com, currently anybody can use it for buy our any product or service. Till now this token is not registered on any crypto exchange like Binance or Coinbase, it will work as our internal currency, although we have future plan to expand it publicly through many crypto exchange.


Why you use PD token to buy our product ?

When you will buy our any product by the normal payment method like Paypal or Binancepay or any other payment processor then you need to wait up to 24 hours for processes your order whether we will not verify your payment manually (due to prevent fraud transaction).

1) If you buy any of our product by PD TOKEN then your order will be process Instantly without any delay by our system, there not require any manual activity from our stuff.

2) PD TOKEN itself has upto 20% bonus so you can buy our product always at 20% discounted rate.

3)It is not restricted to transfer to any one, so you can easily send or transfer your fund to any one who have a registered account with phpdefend,com

4)Also it has withdraw facility, so you can withdraw your fund any time from your wallet.

5)If we success on our plan and list it to crypto exchange in future then you may will get unexpected profit from it.


Do i need to any invest for create a PD TOKEN WALLET ?

If you are a registered user of phpdefend.com then you can create it by a single click from your user Account that not require any cost. Currently our PD token Price is fixed $1 for 10 PdToken, you can buy it from your wallet also we have some provision to free earning of PdToken for our users.

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