Articles in this category How to get 17 digit MAC address for license setup It is a simple step Just write a simple php file to get the MAC address of your user PC <?php $mac = exec('getmac'); echo $mac = substr($mac, 0, What is Pd Token, What is it's use and what is it future ? PD TOKEN is a digital token money for, currently anybody can use it for buy our any product or service. Till now this token is not registered on any crypto exchange like Binance or Coin... How to worke Pd Token wallet balance You will see 4 type of balance into your PdToken wallet, 1)Total balance:- It is your actual balance that will be 100% usable to purchase our any product or service, if you have total balance 1190 mea... ultimate encoding Tutorial guide part1 First file header setting You can write here about your company, brand details or your customer details as you like, you will get upto 5 line, although you will leave it as it is, without write anythi...